Is a Saltwater Pool Better Than Chlorine?

There’s nothing quite like having your own pool. They offer an all-in-one way to gather, rest, play, exercise, and enjoy yourself. It’s not surprising to find that, according to the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals, there’s estimated to be more than 10 million residential swimming pools in the United States alone.

While pools are undeniably awesome, choosing the right pool for your home can be a challenge. One of the first questions you’ll find yourself asking during the buying process is, “Is a salt pool better than chlorine?”

The answer? Yes and no—depending on your unique needs and maintenance preferences. Let’s break it down.

What are the benefits of a saltwater pool?

It’s easy to imagine gently rolling ocean waves when you picture a saltwater pool. In reality, they look just the same as any other pool… they just feel slightly different. One important thing to note is that saltwater pools still have some chlorine, but at lower quantities added to the water via a different process. Saltwater pools use chlorine generators that convert salt into chlorine through  a process called electrolysis. Unique benefits include:

  • You don’t have to own and store pool chemicals. This is especially beneficial to parents who don’t want to worry about the little ones getting into something potentially dangerous.
  • Ongoing maintenance is cheaper. The average chlorine pool owner spends between $740 and $1000 on pool chemicals each year. Comparatively, a year’s worth of pool-grade salt typically costs between $70 and $100.
  • No chlorine odor. Some people think the chlorine pool smell is pleasant, but most will tell you they’d prefer to live without it. The salt-to-chlorine conversion process strips the stink from your pool water and, in turn, your skin and suit.
  • Saltwater pools are gentler on your skin, hair, and clothing. Less chlorine means less opportunity for your eyes, skin, and hair to become dried out or irritated. It also means your swimsuits will last longer without color loss due to the chemicals.

What are the benefits of a chlorine pool?

While the benefits of having a pool in general are vast (fun, cool, luxurious, relaxing, etc.), the benefits of having a chlorinated pool, when compared to a salt pool, are a little more specific:

  • Maintenance of a chlorine pool is simpler. It’s easier to go to your local pool store to pick up chlorine tabs than it is to add pool-grade salt to your chlorine generator.
  • Less up front costs. Because salt pools require the installation of a chlorine generator, they cost more to install up front. While costs of both tend to even out over time, this is still an important factor for many.
  • They work even when it’s chilly out. The electrolysis process in a saltwater pool will only work if the water is above 60 degrees. Most people don’t use their outdoor pools if it’s cold out, but if you’re a fan of brisk morning swims, keep this in mind.

Which is Better: Saltwater or Chlorine Pools?

The pros and cons of each depend mainly on two things: how you feel about pool maintenance and what you’re willing to spend. We recommend taking time to write down what your pool priorities are.

  • If you have a lower installation budget, don’t mind regular water testing and higher maintenance costs, choose a chlorine pool.
  • If you’re comfortable with higher up-front costs to save money on maintenance long-term and would prefer softer feeling water, choose a saltwater pool.

No matter what you choose, you’ll be investing in a source of joy for your entire family for years to come. There’s never a wrong choice when it comes to saltwater pools vs. chlorinated ones, there’s only the choice that best fits your needs.

Want to talk to someone about what the perfect pool for your backyard would look like? Fill out our simple contact form and a member of our experience-backed, NSPF-certified team will get in touch with you soon.