Which is better: Above Ground or In-Ground Pools?


In a state that requires you to wear a down jacket for seven out of twelve years, is installing an in-ground pool in MN worth it? There’s no question whether a pool is worth it. While we do spend a fair amount of days slipping into wool socks and zipping into fleeces, it gets hot here too. Really hot. On those muggy 90° days, there’s nothing like having a refreshing pool in your backyard.

Above-Ground vs In-Ground Pools

  • Above-ground pools: Semi-permanent, above-ground pools come in round and oval shapes and a range of sizes. Their size can be expanded as the size of your family and your budget grows
  • In-ground pools: Once installed, an inground pool is permanent. They can be customized to a multitude of different shapes, rectangular being the most popular option. More durable than above-ground pools, you don’t have to worry about an in-ground pool bursting when too many people jump in for a pool party.

Considerations for Above-Ground Pool Installation and Upkeep

Taking less than a week to install if the conditions are right, above-ground pools are a popular option for people in Minnesota who want quick access to a backyard pool. High-quality, well-maintained above-ground pools have a lifespan of seven to fifteen years. Requiring enough space as well as a flat, solid, vegetation-free surface for installation, installing this type of pool still typically requires permits from the city. Local safety requirements should be researched before taking action.

Many people want to know, “Can you put an above-ground pool in the ground?” While you can recess a pool into the ground for a more permanent look, the installation will be much more costly and the pool may start to degrade after seven years. Whether below or installed in the traditional way, an above pool won’t add anything to the resale value of your home. However, it can add flexibility to your life as it’s something you can take with you when you move with enough labor and equipment.

There is some pool maintenance required to keep swimming in an above-ground pool enjoyable. This includes regular skimming, interior cleaning, testing the water’s chemical balance and adding chemicals as needed. If you pay a pool service to cover these steps, it will cost you about $80 to $150 per month. Doing it yourself will cost about $5 to $15 per month.

Advantages of In-Ground Pools

Custom, in-ground pools have many benefits including better water quality, style and durability.

Enhanced Property Value

An inground pool can improve your home value by as much as 7% depending on the design and style of your pool. An inground pool can last a lifetime. However, our custom pool builders recommend replacing a vinyl liner every 15 years.

Customizability and Design Options

Customizability is where an in-ground pool shines. Prestige Pools has worked with homeowners to install a full range of pool shapes, customized to fit perfectly into a home’s backyard home.

There are many options to consider including stair and ladder options, lighting and water features. You can even add an automatic cover to make shutting down your pool a simple task. In-ground pools are often customized to complement the landscape architecture.

Prestige Pools will work with you to find the right aesthetic match for your backyard. With greater depth and size options, those who are interested in a quality swim and luxurious surroundings will be most interested in in-ground options.

Are in-ground pools in Minnesota popular?

In-ground pools are popular for homeowners who want to add value and style to their homes. In cold climates, installing pools with flexibility is key to resisting damage from the freeze-and-thaw cycle.

There are different ways to take care of pools in Minnesota, for instance, In-ground pools should be winterized. Winterizing a Minnesota pool is simpler than you might think:

The chlorine levels should be lower to avoid any caustic effects on the liner of the pool.

  • Remove accessories such as floating devices, toys and skimmers.
  • Lower the water level to just below the jet system.
  • Lubricate the fittings on your pool.
  • Prepare the pipes by blowing them out and adding heat tape around them to avoid damage from the wind and snow.

Safety and Security Features

Many people worry about the safety of keeping a pool on their property. For good reason, it’s important to take precautions around pools to keep friends, family and pets safe. For this reason, pool owners have access to many safety and security features including safety gates and various kinds of pool alarms.

When you contact your local pool professionals, you’ll learn about a range of accessories and design aspects that can make your pool more safe. Check your local and HOA regulations to ensure your pool meets safety guidelines.

How much does typical maintenance cost in Minnesota?

No pool is going to be maintenance-free. To maintain an in-ground pool in MN, hiring a pool company will cost anywhere from $75 to $100 per hour. If you do it yourself, keeping your pool in optimal condition will cost you $20 to $100 a month.

Understanding Local Regulations and Permissions

Before undertaking any plans for installing in-ground pools in Minnesota, it’s important to understand the regulations for your city, county and any relevant HOA. With over 50 years of experience in the pool installation business, you can talk to the experts at Prestige Pools to learn more about general Minnesotan regulations.

Luxury For a Lifetime

When you’re making decisions about your home, it’s important to think about the future. When it comes to the upfront costs, installing an above-ground pool might seem like an easy decision but when it’s beginning to fall apart less than ten years later, the true costs come to light.

When you install an in-ground pool you’re making an investment in good design, durability and your family’s health. An in-ground pool can be customized with the perfect lighting and access to encourage use throughout the swimming season, day or night. When you make this decision, you’re not making it for ten years, you’re choosing to install your pool for a lifetime.