The Health Benefits of a Swimming Pool

Simple intuition makes it obvious that swimming can be a good workout, but when you dive a bit deeper, the total health benefits can make installing your own custom pool a simple decision.

Physical health benefits

Swimming is an excellent exercise choice for people of all ages because it gets your whole body moving without being high-impact. Whether you are looking for a calorie-burning session or want to ease back into working out after an injury or some off-time, hopping in the pool is a great option.


Moving through the water means always working against resistance, no matter if you are burning olympian-levels of calories during your daily laps or prefer something a bit less exhausting. Compensating for this resistance will naturally help strengthen muscles and start improving your endurance without the need for weights or specialized workouts.

Swimming is also great for cardiovascular fitness while being less stressful for your joints; swap your running shoes for swim trunks every once in a while – your knees will thank you!

Recovery and physical therapy

Pools are also helpful when it’s time to slow things down, whether you need to let your body recover, are on the way back from an injury, or have a more extensive physical therapy plan. Swimming can help improve flexibility and range of motion by offering resistance without extra stress on your body — especially helpful when on the road to recovery — and when it’s time to shut down and let your body rest, all you have to do is float.

Mental health benefits

Lounging poolside is too often reserved for hard-won vacations rather than something that can be done regularly to help improve mental health. Being near or in the pool can help relax your body and mind, alleviate stress, even boost serotonin levels. And if you happen to have, or want to install, a pool of your own, harnessing these mental health benefits can be as simple as integrating some pool time into your daily schedule.

Jump in!

Spending time in a swimming pool can be hugely beneficial to both your physical and mental health, so when warm weather finally arrives, make sure to add pool time to your routine. And if you are interested in installing a pool of your own at your home to more easily reap these health benefits, contact us with any questions or to schedule a free consultation.